We prefer to let our customers do the talking.
Will you have enough work once qualified?
It is vital that you check out your chosen training provider to see what the prospects of work are in the Carlisle & Cumbria Area.
Even the national driving schools such as Red and the AA have very limited presence in our local area with just a few tuition vehicles between them.
New Starters Driving School currently teach in excess of 100 students a week and operate with more local instructors in Carlisle & Cumbria than anyone else
In today’s internet economy a presence on page one of the Google search returns is an absolute must (Go now and Google any of the local providers) Training providers will all promise the earth but look carefully in the Carlisle & Cumbria Area and check out the amount of driving school vehicles you see!
Why do we have the edge?
- We have full time staff at our Carlisle office to take and book calls during working hours.
- We operate a pre-payment scheme for Customer Convenience
- We have over 100 passes this year alone on our facebook and website.
- We have a great reputation for service and results in our area.
The process to train to become a driving instructor should be kept separate from working as a driving instructor after you qualify.
You should not be tied in to any particular driving school as it may not be the best option for you and you would lose your freedom of choice.
Many training companies will offer discounted training courses but the hidden cost is often to be tied in on a watertight contract for one or two years.
Unfortunately in many cases you end up with a monthly franchise fee to pay with very little work to support it.
We offer all our trainees a Guaranteed Position at New Starters Driving School once qualified but the BIG difference is it’s your choice. You are free to join another driving school or start up on your own if you wish.
We are very good at marketing and our website sells close to £200,000 in lesson sales this year with the only thing stopping that increasing is we need more instructors.